Aromatica Organics Packaging and Marketing Collateral

Aromatica Organics Packaging & Marketing Collateral





Aromatica Organics is a purveyor of organic spice blends, sauces, teas and natural food products. When the client came to us, they felt that their outdated and inconsistent branding was causing confusion in the marketplace, did not reflect their forward-thinking ideas and operations and did not effectively target their desired customer.

We began the process of redesign by developing a clear set of visual standards based on the organization’s core values and brand personality. The brand guidelines clearly define logo usage and variations; typography and a color palette that reflect Aromatica’s values and personality ensure that all collateral is presented in a consistent manner that is aligned with the brand voice.

With a cohesive brand standards guide in place, we began the process of redesigning all of their packaging and marketing collateral. Bright, high-impact graphics communicate the friendly, authentic personality of the company; real photos of suppliers communicate Aromatica’s commitment to Fair Trade and its growers and all new collateral is aligned with the new visual standards we developed.

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